Isagenix is My Food - My Food is My Supplement

Isagenix is My Food - My Food is My Supplement

Healthy Food Choices and Alternatives

Here is a pretty comprehensive listing of the changes I've made in my food choices over the years:

·          Whole foods, organic
·          Whole grains (organic if possible; make sure the ingredients include the word “whole”)
o         Brown rice
o         Cereals
o         Breads – spelt, kamut before wheat
o         Whole wheat, brown rice pasta
o         Note: since wheat is so prevalent in our Canadian diet, try to avoid it whenever possible, ensuring that other grains are eaten as well; same thing with corn
·          Seeds
o         Flax seed, pumpkin
o         Sunflower seeds
o         Sesame seeds, chia
o         Hemp hearts (IsaCrunch)
o         Note: if hard seeds are not ground, soak for 24 hours to begin sprouting and open seed jacket
·          Nuts
o         Six whole walnuts per day, or
o         12 raw natural almonds (do not eat roasted almonds)
o         Eat a variety of nuts if possible, rather than just one kind; pistachio is high fibre
o         Organic when possible
·          Salt
o         Cook with iodized sea salt
o         Do not add salt after food is cooked
·          Cinnamon
o         ½ tsp daily
o         On cereal
o         In coffee, etc.
·          Red wine
o         Up to one glass per day with meal
·          Fish
o         Three times per week, wild not farmed
o         Avoid sauces
o         Salmon
o         Trout
o         Any other; Norwegian is cleanest
·          Omega 3 oils
o         Fish oil
o         Olive oil (2 tbsps/day)
o         Cook with coconut oil, not olive oil
o         Other omega rich oils
o         IsaOmegas (up to 4-6 each day)
·          Natural peanut butter – make sure nothing is added, organic when possible; avoid using this product regularly as it is acidic; replace with natural, raw almond butter, which is alkaline
·          Avocado
o         ¼ - ½ per serving; high fibre and omega
·          Dark chocolate
o         80-90% cocoa
o         One small piece per day
o         IsaDelights – up to six per day; has amino acids and sugar equal to 1/8 apple
·          Water or herbal tea – enough so pee is pale yellow to clear, not dark yellow
o         Eight glasses per day (not with meals) or ½ your body weight in ounces
o         Pure spring/mineral water or filtered
o         Do not drink de-mineralized or reverse osmosis water (it is dead water with no nutritional benefit) (unless using Isagenix system)
o         Do not drink distilled or reverse osmosis water on an empty stomach (it leeches minerals and vitamins from the body)
·          Coffee – organic / fair trade
o         In moderation
o         Decaf
·          Vegetables – organic when possible
o         High colour
o         Greens (broccoli, rapini, spinach, kale, etc.)
o         Oranges (yams, squash)
o         Reds (peppers, tomatoes)
o         Healthy Greens
·          Anti-oxidants
o         Green tea
o         Blueberries (IsaDelights’ ORAC = 2cups)
o         Pomegranates
o         Cranberries
o         Ionix Supreme and Tropical Berry Cleanse
o         Isagenix Antioxidants
o         Ageless Actives (Vit D, CoQ10, Resveratrol)
·          Fruit – organic when possible (IsaFruits = 5 servings; 30 different fruits)
·          Meat – organic when possible
o         Lean cuts, especially two-legged (e.g. chicken, turkey – no pork)
·          Beans and lentils
·          Tomato sauce
o         At least once a week
·          Garlic and onions often
·          Cheese – avoid dairy; use rice cheese if possible
o         Choose (goat) feta over cow cheeses
·          Yogurt – avoid dairy
o         Preferably plain
o         No sugar, no aspartame, no preservatives
·          Homemade soups (organic)
·                                                          Homemade juices (organic); include the pulp when possible (fibre)

Remember to always eat protein at breakfast to feed your “starving” brain. Eat protein at each meal: up to 30 g /meal; 1 g protein for each pound of body weight per day

Here's a fairly comprehensive listing of foods to avoid:

  • Cow’s milk/dairy
    • If you drink cow’s milk, make sure it is organic
    • Use rice or almond milk instead (almond milk has no sugar!)
    • Goat’s milk as an alternative
    • Women: also avoid soya milk
  • Pork
    • Instead choose lean red meats, buffalo, turkey, lean chicken, and of course, fish!
  • Margarine – never use margarine!
    • Instead use butter in moderation
  • White sugar
    • Use brown or raw sugar if needed
    • Use maple syrup (organic)
    • Use organic honey
    • Use stevia (natural and 0 calories)
  • White flour – avoid wheat
    • Instead use spelt, kamut or rice flower; wheat as a last resort
    • Try to use only organic flours
  • White rice
    • Instead use brown rice, either short or long-grain
    • Try to use only organic rice
  • White potatoes
    • Instead use sweet potatoes/yams
·         Baby carrots (they are soaked in chlorine)
·     Acrylamides (more poisonous than trans fats)
  • Trans fats
    • Avoid any food that does not say how much trans fat is in the product
    • Do not buy foods with any trans fat
  • Hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated oil/fat
    • For example, processed peanut butter – use natural, raw almond butter instead
  • Fructose/corn syrup (unless the fructose source is plant based/organic)
    • Sugary fruit drinks
    • Processed maple syrup – use natural, organic maple syrup instead
  • Pop of any kind, either diet or regular; any carbonated drink
  • Any artificial sweetener (zylatol is okay)
  • Processed foods: avoid, as much as possible, foods that come in cans, bottles, boxes, bags, containers, etc. (unless they are whole foods)
    • Prepackaged meals
    • Chips, snacks, cookies, cakes
    • High salt content canned foods – choose instead low salt varieties
    • Processed cheese – buy cheese from deli instead; buy only the amount needed
    • Choose processed foods with few ingredients and organic ingredients
  • Foods with many ingredients
    • Avoid, as much as possible, foods whose ingredients are not whole foods
    • Avoid foods whose first five ingredients are not whole foods
    • Avoid foods which have sugar as one of the first three ingredients
    • If you don’t know what the ingredients are, avoid them
  • Enriched foods
    • Avoid processed or enriched foods as much as possible