Hello gang ....
I just had to share this Facebook post ... such valuable information .... I hope you find it helpful as we approach the holidays ....
Just so you know who is asking the original question: Dana Barnett is a beautiful young woman who has released over 350 pounds with Isagenix. At 800 pounds, she was sent home from the hospital to die. She is now transforming her own life, and the lives of so many others!
Dlowks N SotoHow do you handle that person that tells you that the holiday(special occasion) only comes once a year so go ahead and EAT! Share with me some ideas...the holidays are coming and I need to be better prepared cuz I am already dreaming of stuffing and pies!
Coral Cartwright You turn your mind around...Instead of thinking, I cant have any of that, say..I can but I choose not to! Not to say a little treat would be frowned upon :o) You will do great Dana ♥
Jeannine Shingler
I say.. Yes! Thanks! and get excited about how you are going to eat a little bits of bites.... and be full because you drank an IsaLean Shake prior to attending the event. Be appreciative of the generosity of others and include them in yo...ur celebration of being in control of the portions! We can still indulge in the fun foods and festivities.. but we don't have to eat big portions! And we are being an example of a healthy lifestyle behavior... shining a light for others. (just my 2 cents) Also it really is okay to simply say thank you but no thanks..... boundaries are healthy.See More
Celeste Contreras-Herrera EVERYDAY only comes once! The holidays are special because of WHAT we celebrate. Food is often a central part of how we celebrate there is no getting around that! Enjoy in moderation is the good 'ol saying.If you are invited to many functions throughout the month limit yourself to one dessert per week.Prepare yourself by getting those two shakes in and on that special meal enjoy a little of what you like...yes even the stuffing. It's not how you handle the other person...and it's more about how you handle you! Love ya!
Karen Eigler I have half a shake about half hour before dinner and then I do enjoy it all however limit the high fat items to a taste or two; much easier to stick to my limits with that half shake prior. Cleanse tea before bed!
Karen Eigler It's Thanksgiving so I would suggest to those people that you are Thankful to be alive and that took a commitment to better choices; no better day to honour those choices than a day that is dedicated to thanksgiving!
Mary Angolano Burrell My friend Lynn Bell goes through the holiday season maintaining her weight by "staying" on the program. 2 shakes a day no matter what with snacks every 2 hours. And her water intake as well. Then she uses a small plate and only taste dishes never full or even partial servings. She says she never feels deprived and she never gains always maintains. That's a win win to me ;)
Gloria Zama Ntuli I eat but am veri choosy lately. Even on parties i dnt jst eat whateva tht is served im so scared of results of eating enithng. My onli prblm is craving i eat even if im full.
Pamm Clark Don't deprive yourself, but have spoonfuls, not platefuls (that's my strategy).
Susan Andrew Ask yourself "what is more important to me": 10 minutes of eating something you know you shouldn't or a lifetime of health?
Kat Maeda
Some people can't do spoonfuls for it triggers a reaction that causes them to keep going. Know yourself before you plunge into the holidays. Hang that cute little dress you want to be in on New Year's Eve OUTSIDE the close and stay true to... your goal. Before you go to a party, have an apple and 12 oz of water. When people try to tempt you, tell them politely, no thank you, I have a goal and plan to be a size __ by New Year's Eve and I sure would love you to love me enough to support me. Take your IsaDelights and have 2 for dessert. YOU CAN DO IT Dana!
Lisa Beaudry Koch Dana - I encourage people to understand that you do not have to over induge all day every day to enjoy the holidays. I started my journey the day before my birthday and the week before Christmas. I ate sensibly most of the time - even enjoyed a fabulous birthday dinner - had a cupcake - and then went on the rest of the week being smart - enjoyed a fabulous dinner Christmas eve, Christmas Day and the day after and still dropped 13 pounds and 18 inches before the New Year.
Cami Bobbitt Me too! I lost 20lbs in December because I didn't over-indulged. I ate very small bites to satify me and incorporated Isagenix of course. I want to lose another 20lbs before Christmas... You can totally do it and We are ALL here to support you and each other! Mwah!
Isagenix is My Food - My Food is My Supplement

Tuesday, November 9, 2010
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