Stimulating the vagus nerve and reducing the amount of work your adrenal glads are doing may improve everything from memory to depression.
Would you like to learn how to activate the vagus nerve? You can do this very easily, and it takes only a few seconds.
Right now, take a deep breath into your belly to the count of five, pause for one second, then breathe out slowly to the count of five. Keep your belly soft. Do this five times. Notice how you feel in your body and mind.
You have just activated the vagus nerve, which flows from your brain through your neck, right into your chest, and through your diaphragm. So, when you take a deep breath and relax and expand your diaphragm, your vagus nerve is stimulated, you instantly turn on the parasympathetic nervous system, your cortisol (stress hormone) levels are reduced, and your brain heals.
This whole experience is called the relaxation response. The opposite of the stress response, the relaxation response is necessary for your body to heal, repair, and renew.
Please try this and use the comment feature below this post to let everyone know what you experience. If you are still having difficulty accessing the blog, please email your comment to me and I will post your comment on the blog.
Source: The UltraMind Solution, Mark Hyman M.D., pp 277-278.
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