Isagenix is My Food - My Food is My Supplement

Isagenix is My Food - My Food is My Supplement

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Encouragement ....

Hello everyone -

I was a bit discouraged yesterday as I weighed myself and discovered that I had found a few of the pounds I'd lost.

I know that when I eat wheat I can be sure that my weight will blossom. And over the weekend, that's just what I did. On Saturday, at the wedding reception we were at, the only food provided seemed to be wheat-based. I was hungry and made the choice to eat.

Now, I have been paying the price ... a few extra pounds due to inflammation, and a great deal more discomfort in my body, as well as poor sleep.

I am back on track now, and I'm back down three and a half pounds.

I'm learning .... I'm learning!


lia said...

Be kind with yourself, dear Linda!
At least you know the source of your weight gain. As we have shared, the weight may fluctuate, however, the body mass is ever changing as the products we are ingesting are POWERFUL! Keep up the good work! And be gentle with yourself, you amazing woman!!! Love you, lia

Linda Doran Viscardis said...

A note from Genevieve:

"woot woot! You can do this, leader!!! You are fighting not only for your victory, but also for the generation who will be coming after you! Fight the good fight. Be found faithful and fruitful in every season. You are loved."

Linda Doran Viscardis said...

Thank you, wonderful women, for your support! I appreciate it so much. I know we all have days ....

Moving onward ....