Isagenix is My Food - My Food is My Supplement

Isagenix is My Food - My Food is My Supplement

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Blog Comments

Please post a comment below ... is this blog helpful to you, or am I wasting your time?

Please provide feedback. Please let me know the kind of information you would benefit from.

Thanks in advance. It's hard to know if I'm just talking to myself! ; )


lia said...

My Sweet Linda,
No you are NOT talking to yourself!
I read all your write-ups. I have felt so badly that I have not been to respond to you, nor have I updated on my status. I am well. I am on track. My plate is quite full right now while balancing home-educating, house-keeping, nurturing my relationship to Rick, my hubby, and working (4 creative cooking classes + planning my upcoming Creative Memories scrapbooking retreat. I have made some mistakes. Yet I have not beaten myself. I have released over 7 lbs. I am THRILLED to be where Iam with this journey to health! It is what I have needed. I bless God for this gift! I have 2 challenges -- cleansing this week-end (I feel that doing on week-ends could be very challenging for me) AND my work rthym for the next week and a half will make it interesting to keep up with the plan set B4 me. Things will taperer down at the beginning of Nov. I will do my best. I learn and glean from all you share with us. So thanks! Love you, Lia.

Linda Doran Viscardis said...

Blessings on you, Lia. I appreciate the update so much! I am thrilled with your results so far!! Way to go!!

We will be cleansing together on Thursday and Friday this week, so I'm not sure if this will help?? - Linda

Linda Doran Viscardis said...

The blog is not a waste for me, Linda. I didn't realize that I was still able to access it. I Just found it and i listened to Dr. Anderson re Exercise. I will look at more of your listed items tomorrow.
