Isagenix is My Food - My Food is My Supplement

Isagenix is My Food - My Food is My Supplement

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Who developed the Race to Maintenance? Why?

The Race to Maintenance (R2M) was created several years ago by Peter Greenlaw (pictured here) and Dr. Dennis Harper.

It was designed for several reasons:

1. to address the needs of people who have more than 20 or 30 pounds to release, and to address the needs of people who want to experience maximum cleansing benefits

2. to address the need to do back-to-back cleansing without jeopardizing health; current Isagenix literature states that we should not do more than two 9-day cleanses in a row. This is due to the number of calories that a person consumes during a 9-day cleanse - the body needs more calories! The R2M allows people to do continuous cleansing!!

3. the key to the R2M is the extra meal - after the first 11 days (2-day precleanse + 9-day), an extra meal is added. Shake days then look like this: shake, snack, meal, snack, meal, and another shake before bed. This "ups" the caloric intake to about 1,800 calories per day. This ensures the body does not go into "starvation mode." Five Shake days are then followed each week by two Cleanse days.

4. Dr. Harper's concern was that people need additional calories to avoid possibly resetting the basal metabolic rate (the rate at which we burn calories at rest). This is a huge problem with caloric restriction programs. Whether they are diets or, in this case, back-to-back cleanses.

5. the R2M allows people to do continual cleanses for best results, for a minimum of 42 days or 6 weeks.

6. it takes about 10 days to change a habit, and it takes another 30 days to reinforce that change. The R2M takes that into consideration - it eases us into a lifestyle change. When we finish the 41 days, we feel confident in adopting the R2M as our new healthy lifestyle.

7. the R2M is the most effective way to achieve our goals quickly.

8. people who do the R2M successfully have a much better chance of adopting a healthy lifestyle for life, and for becoming lifetime consumers of Isagenix products.

9. people who are seeking to build a residual income through Isagenix will be blessed when their associates become lifetime consumers.

10. when bringing others into the Isagenix family, we will bless them by sharing the R2M with them right away. There is a brochure available through IsaSales Tools called Give It 4 Days ... it really only takes people about four days to determine if something wonderful is happening in their bodies. Of course, we might need some prompting from our coach to actually become aware of the changes! But, once people know that something different and exciting is happening, it is a blessing to get them started on the R2M. It is wonderful that we can now order a R2M pack from our Back Office, which gives us everything we need.

Note: Isagenix has done a study which showed that people who do the 9-day program with two back-to-back cleanses lose as much weight as people who do the 30-day program. Now THAT is motivating!!!

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