Isagenix is My Food - My Food is My Supplement

Isagenix is My Food - My Food is My Supplement

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Group Call on Thursday

Hello gang!

Just a reminder - please join our group call this Thursday evening at 7:30.

If you have conference capability (3-way calling) on your phone, and you want to join the call for the first time, please let me know. Carol Anne would like to join us, but needs to be linked in. She would appreciate your help!

The number is: 1-605-715-4900
The access # is: 658026#

The call will be recorded so those who are unable to "attend" will be able to listen later if they want.

Please remember ... we don't know if we need the call, or the call needs us. Someone else may benefit greatly by something YOU have to share. You may have learned something, or experienced something that will be very helpful for another group member to hear. So, please try to join us!

"See you" then!

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