Isagenix is My Food - My Food is My Supplement

Isagenix is My Food - My Food is My Supplement

Saturday, October 16, 2010

This is a journey - not a destination

Hello folks!

Well, for most of us, today is our first actual Shake Day, following two Cleanse Days and two Pre-Cleanse Days.

I would love to know how you all have faired so far! Please share. This blog is a means to support one another to successful completion of our goals. When we don't feel supported, we may easily give up!

I have released 4 1/2 pounds and feel better than I've felt in a long time. My sleep is deeper too! And that, my dear ladies, is a beeeyouteafull thing!

One thing I wanted to mention today is that this experience is part of a journey toward better / optimal health .... it is not a destination. It may take time to reach the goals we have set out for ourselves .... maybe even longer than the 41 days we've set aside for this "project."

I have been on my journey for well over 20 years - making changes to my lifestyle as I learned about things that needed to change, and as I was willing and able to make the changes.

Please do not feel that you must make all of your lifestyle changes over night! Concentrate instead on making the best choices you possibly can, whenever you can. We will automatically be headed in the right direction (i.e. towards better health) when we do this.

I look forward to hearing how your two-day cleanse has gone. We are now into our Shake Days - shake, meal, shake (plus snacks and water, of course).

We are doing it!!! - Linda

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