Isagenix is My Food - My Food is My Supplement

Isagenix is My Food - My Food is My Supplement

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Getting through Cleanse Days with ease

Hey gang!

Thank you Gen and Tracy for joining me on tonight's group call! Awesome!!

Tonight we shared ideas for getting through Cleanse Days with ease:
  • make meals for the family ahead of time so that you don't have to be around food that will tempt
  • make the rest of the family fend for themselves on cleanse days
  • suck on Snacks to make them last longer, and to keep blood sugar levels more balanced
  • have a contest with others in the family: see who can suck on their Snacks the longest
  • portion out the nuts for each snack time so that you don't eat too many at a time
  • add a bit of IsaFruits, Isagenix Greens or Want More Energy to your water to change it up a bit
  • treat yourself to a warm Cleanse tea rather than having it cold ... make yourself think you're at the spa
  • have a lovely 20-minute soak in the tub: epsom salts, baking soda and lavender oil ... now THAT feels like the spa!
  • plan something that will keep you busy on Day 2 of your cleanse, such as cleaning the entire house (this is also a good way to use up all of that energy that often comes on Day 2)
  • start your cleanse on Wednesday evening before bed: drink your four ounces of Cleanse plus 8-16 ounces of water (with sea salt) before bed ... this way you will be finished your 2-day cleanse a bit earlier and can actually go to bed on Day 2 after having a nice shake - REMEMBER: this is NOT ideal, but for those of us who cave in near the end, this might be the answer. Just remember to drink LOTS and LOTS of water over the two days to flush the impurities out!!

If you have other ideas for getting through Cleanse Days with ease, please share them by clicking on the Comment link below.

Thank you Tracy and Gen for your participation in the call!

Have a great week, and we'll plan to continue our discussion of self-sabotage next Thursday evening.


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