Isagenix is My Food - My Food is My Supplement

Saturday, October 30, 2010
Shake, meal, meal, shake!
Hope your cleanse days went well! I had a few glitches with mine, but for the most part I am very pleased.
Just a reminder that today we're back to shake, meal, meal, shake. If you are struggling with this, please let me know. I can't possibly read your minds! ; )
I was a bit concerned about the whole salt and water thing ... but I've been monitoring my blood pressure, and it's absolutely perfect!!
Wishing you a great day! - Linda
Friday, October 29, 2010
Day 2 of cleanse!
Today is day two of our two-day cleanse (depending, of course, on whether you are following the same schedule I'm following). I hope that day one went well, and that day two will be even more fulfilling.
Yesterday, I went out for lunch at Hot Belly Mama's with my family, and didn't even miss eating! I had my cleanse drink with me, I drank two pots of camomille tea and ate an IsaDelight. Yummmm....
Then, I went to meet my friend Miryam for coffee at Tim's. I drank more of my cleanse and had another IsaDelight. Yummmmm....
For dinner, I made Dennis a beautiful chicken dinner, and I drank some warm broth (see Sue's B&B recipe). Yummmmm.....
So, I was around food all day, but I didn't even miss it because I was well prepared.
Hope your day went the same!
Wishing you a blessed day two. Tomorrow, back to two shakes, two meals ... plus snacks and nutritionals, of course. - Linda
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Group call this evening - 1-605-715-4900 658026#
Please join us - we never know if we need the call, or the call needs us!! Your one contribution during the call could be the life changer for someone else!!
If you do not have a U.S. long distance plan, please join us for free by accessing the toll free number listed in the left column of this blog.
See you then! - Linda
Cleanse day today!! Yippeeee!!!
I know you all are doing great with your Race to Maintenance! Otherwise, I would have heard from you!! ; )
Today is cleanse day!! Yaaayyyy!!!! My body is still screaming at me for my indiscretions of this past weekend. I know that, after this two-day cleanse, my body will be thanking me!
Sarah - I am still waiting for you to share your experience with stepping off the program for a bit! ; )
Wishing you a fantastic cleanse day today and tomorrow! - Linda
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Encouragement ....
I was a bit discouraged yesterday as I weighed myself and discovered that I had found a few of the pounds I'd lost.
I know that when I eat wheat I can be sure that my weight will blossom. And over the weekend, that's just what I did. On Saturday, at the wedding reception we were at, the only food provided seemed to be wheat-based. I was hungry and made the choice to eat.
Now, I have been paying the price ... a few extra pounds due to inflammation, and a great deal more discomfort in my body, as well as poor sleep.
I am back on track now, and I'm back down three and a half pounds.
I'm learning .... I'm learning!
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
How is your letter coming?
Seeking food/meal alternatives!!! Please help!
Here is a very exciting idea - at least I hope you think it's as exciting as I think it is!! : )
I have posted on this blog some ideas around food alternatives, but we're constantly seeking healthy alternatives and learning new things.
If any of you have some things you've found that fit with your new healthy lifestyle, please share them here!
Below are two things I've discovered recently:
- do you love couscous but you're trying to avoid wheat and gluten? Try Fonio! You can get this from Joanne's. It cooks up just like couscous! It's wheat and gluten free, organic and non-GMO. The cost is very reasonable and it seems to make twice the volume as other grains. (i.e. 1/4 cup of cooked Fonio is about the same as 1/2 cup of rice or other grain)
- Lia has found an amazing pasta alternative. It is Tink Yada spaghetti made by Pasta Joy. It is a whole grain rice pasta that cooks up just like whole wheat pasta! This is reasonably priced and available at Price Chopper. Thank you, Lia, for sharing this!!! We Italian families simply MUST find the very best pasta available! : )
Please add to this list by clicking the Comments link below.
Surviving the R2M
I have heard from a couple of you about how you are being challenged by the increase in calories with the Race to Maintenance. By now, you will be consuming two shakes and two meals each "shake" day.
There are some things that you might notice ...
- that your weight will fluctuate a bit until you get into the new norm
- that your brain is consistently telling you that you are making a mistake by adding more food to your day
- that you are feeling a bit panicked by watching your scale
I want to encourage you to hang in there.
Having said that, there are a few things to look at to ensure that you are getting the best possible experience:
- are you consuming any foods that cause inflammation, such as wheat or dairy; consider reducing your intake of these foods, or removing them entirely
- are you getting at least 30 minutes of vigorous exercise each day (I know I'm not - this is one area I really struggle at!)
- are you incorporating soft belly breathing and meditation and prayer into your day - this is important for reducing stress levels, and, as we know, stress levels affect our cortisol levels, which in turn affects our ability to release weight
- are you eating your Snacks and nuts every 1.5 to 2 hours
- are you consuming enough water
- are you consuming meals in the 600 calorie range for both meals; consider keeping your meals at 400 calories, or split up your meals throughout the day: have one 400 calorie main meal and two 200 calorie snacks during the day
- are you adding anything to your shakes besides water; if so, refrain from doing so
- are you cooking with foods that positively impact your metabolism; consider adding cayenne, turmeric, etc. to your meals
- are you remembering that this is not a diet, but a journey toward optimal health
Do you have any thoughts to add to this discussion? Please comment by clicking on the Comment link below.
You CAN do this!! Do not let the enemy fill you with discouragement. Remember! This is not a diet - it's a new way of living and being in the world.
I look forward to your comments!! - Linda
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Recommended daily sodium intake
1,000 milligrams (mg) for children aged 1 to 3
1,200 mg for children aged 4 to 8
1,500 mg for people aged 9 to 50
1,300 mg for adults aged 51 to 70
1,200 mg for seniors over 70 years of age.
The IOM has also established a “tolerable upper intake level,” or UL (see Definitions and Limitations), which ranges from 1,500 mg to 2,200 mg of sodium per day for children and adolescents aged 1 to 13, up to 2,300 mg per day for people aged 14 or older. Consumption exceeding these limits increases the risks of adverse health effects, especially those linked to hypertension.1
Interested? Read more:
I was very interested to see the article in the Peterborough Examiner's Life section with the headline, "It's not that bad." This was in reference to the new KFC Double Down, which has 1,740 mg of sodium. This is much more than the recommended daily intake for an adult of any age! The "sandwich" has about one third of the recommended daily caloric intake. How they can say "it's not that bad" is beyond me!
Race to Maintenance begins today!!!
Well, we've done it! We've successfully completeted the first part of our journey....the 9-day cleanse! Lift your right hand, throw it over your left shoulder and give yourself a nice pat on the back!! Well done!!!
Today, we begin the Race to Maintenance (R2M)!
You may be happy to know that now you will be adding MORE, yes, more, calories to your day. For those of us who have lived in diet land all our lives, this sounds like a very peculiar thing to do when we are trying to release weight. But, I assure you, this is just what we all need!!
So, beginning today, we will be following the shake-meal-meal-shake routine. Please check your schedule carefully so you see where to be having your meals. We will want to have a shake first thing in the day, and the last thing in the evening. This ensures that digestive enzymes "bracket" the consumption of "typical" food. This in turn makes sure that the body is properly digesting all food.
The increase in calories ensures that the body does not go into "starvation mode." This is, I believe, where my body has been over the past two years as I ate approximately 900 calories each day, madly thinking, "I should be losing weight!" My body was protecting me!!! It was hanging onto the weight in an effort to save me from starving.
Let's make sure we check the amount of food we are eating in our two meals each day. Use the 400-600 calorie meal ideas provided. If you have a meal that fits and would like to share it with the group, please do! Remember! This is a forum for supporting one another!!
Please check in periodically and let us all know how you are doing as you embark on the R2M. Let's support one another!!!
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Group call - recording
I was pleased to have had four of us on the call this evening. Tonight, we discussed "self sabotage." We look forward to others joining next week's call. (Read below about what we have committed to doing for next week.)
You can access the recording by visiting this URL:
Just click on Recording Download Link, and then Save Target As ... This is an MP3 file that you can listen to once you've downloaded it.
Alternatively, you may access the call through the callback number: Here is the information about the call ...
Conference Date and Time:
October 21, 2010 07:28 PM
Duration of Recording:
1 Hour, 0 Minutes, 16 Seconds
Recording File Size:
21 MB
Recording Expiration Date:
February 18, 2011 08:40 PM
Telephone Playback
Playback Dial-in Number:
1-605-715-4903 Midwest (This is a U.S. number)
Playback Access Code:
Our Homework:
We have committed to writing a letter (mine will be to God) that very specifically outlines the things that are on my heart as they relate to my cleanse, the Race to Maintenance and my journey to optimal health; the letter will then very specifically outline what I want.
I became more acutely aware this week that, despite my feeling that God does not like whiners, He does want us to come to Him with the things that are weighing us down. He wants to know our heart. And He wants to bless us with abundance.
So, I encourage you all to do this exercise along with me. Anyone who wishes to share their letter may, but the commitment is only to let one another know that the letter has been written.
My thanks to those who participated in the call this evening. Blessings on you all! - Linda
Group call is now FREE ....
For those of you who do not have a U.S. long distance phone plan and who would like to join the group call on Thursday evenings (7:30 pm), please dial the following for a FREE call:
There will be a long wait; then dial 1 for English
You will be prompted for the calling card number: 705-292-1117-3466
Then you will be prompted for the conference call number: 605-715-4900 658026#
If you get an operator, please hang up, and redial, as charges will be applied.
Please join me in thanking Lia for her generosity!!
Group call reminder - 1-605-715-4900 658026#
What you need to know about toxics in your cosmetic products
Reprinted from the David Suzuki Foundation's web site:
Earlier this year, the David Suzuki Foundation invited Canadians to pull back the shower curtain and participate in an online survey about toxic ingredients in common personal care products like soaps, shampoos and cosmetics. Here are the key findings from the survey and recommendations for cleaning up these products and strengthening Canada's laws to better protect human health and the environment.
The Survey Results
- Number of people participating in the survey: 6,243
- Total number of products analyzed: 12,550
- Products containing at least one Dirty Dozen ingredient: 80 per cent
- Products with more than one Dirty Dozen ingredient: 57 per cent
- Most commonly occurring Dirty Dozen ingredient: fragrance/parfum (in 56 per cent of products)
- Products containing none of the Dirty Dozen ingredients: 20 per cent
- Products for which an ingredient list could not be identified: 8 per cent
- Participants who look at the ingredient list when shopping for cosmetics: 62 per cent
- Support for strengthening Canada's cosmetic laws: 98 per cent
Report Recommendations
- Replace potentially harmful ingredients in cosmetics with safer alternatives.
- As an interim step, implement hazard labelling for ingredients linked to chronic health concerns and strengthen EcoLogo™ certification criteria for personal care products.
- Require pre-market approval of the chemical composition of cosmetics and allow public access to a searchable online database of information submitted by manufacturers.
- Extend restrictions to "unintentional ingredients" like impurities and by-products.
- Extend ingredient restrictions and labelling requirements to products regulated as "drugs."
- Require manufacturers to disclose specific fragrance ingredients.
- Prohibit use of the terms unscented and fragrance-free in the marketing of products that contain fragrance ingredients (including masking agents).
- Prohibit anti-bacterial household products, including cosmetics.
- Restrict use of the terms natural and organic in the marketing of products that contain non-organic and synthetic ingredients.
- Extend ingredient disclosure requirements to other types of consumer products, including household cleaners, toys and furnishings.
The "Safer" List
- Products sold under the following brand names (among others) were frequently reported to be free of the Dirty Dozen ingredients:
- Prairie Naturals
- Jason
- Tom's of Maine
- Green Beaver
- Aubrey's Organics
- Nature's Gate
Most Loaded Products
- The following products reportedly contained at least six of the Dirty Dozen.
- Bath & Body Works: Bubble Baths, Antibacterial Moisturizing Hand Lotions, Sweet Pea Body Lotion, Warm Vanilla Sugar Hand Cream
- Canus (Caprina) Li'l Goat's Milk Shampoo and Body Wash
- Caprina Fresh Goat's Milk Body Wash
- Clarins Lift Anti-Rides Jour (Extra-Firming Day Cream)
- Compliments Herbal Bath Foam
- Crabtree & Evelyn Nomad Invigorating Hair & Body Wash
- Delon Grapeseed Body Butter
- Dial Clean and Refresh Antibacterial Bodywash
- Dove Men+Care Clean Comfort Body and Face Wash
- Être Dead Sea Hand and Body Lotion
- Exact Apricot Scrub
- Joico Daily Care Conditioning Shampoo
- L'Oreal Kids Smoothie Shampoo
- L'Oreal Paris Vive Pro Smooth Intense Shampoo
- Lancôme Photogenic Foundation
- Life Extra Strength Skin Lotion
- Lubriderm Advanced Moisture Therapy
- Marc Anthony Curl Defining Shampoo and Instantly Thick Hair Thickening Shampoo
- NeoStrata Intense Daytime Wrinkle Repair
- Neutrogena Deep Clean Invigorating Ultra Foam Cleanser
- Rimmel Lasting Finish Foundation
- The Body Shop Satsuma Shower Gel
- The Healing Garden Sensual Plum Body Spray
- The Healing Garden Uplifting Jasmine Cleansing Body Wash
- TiGi Bed Head Manipulator (hair styling product)
- Vaseline Healthy Hand & Nail Conditioning Hand Lotion
The Dirty Dozen
(More detailed info at
BHA and BHT: Used mainly in moisturizers and makeup as preservatives. Suspected endocrine disruptors and may cause cancer (BHA). Harmful to fish and other wildlife.
Coal tar dyes: p-phenylenediamine and colours listed as "CI" followed by five digits. P-phenylenediamine is used in some hair dyes; other colours are used in a variety of cosmetics. Potential to cause cancer and may be contaminated with heavy metals toxic to the brain.- DEA-related ingredients: Used in some creamy and foaming products, such as moisturizers and shampoos. Can react to form nitrosamines, which may cause cancer. Harmful to fish and other wildlife.
- Dibutyl phthalate: Used as a plasticizer in some nail care products. Suspected endocrine disrupter and reproductive toxicant. Harmful to fish and other wildlife.
- Formaldehyde-releasing preservatives: Used in a variety of cosmetics. Slowly release small amounts of formaldehyde, which causes cancer.
- Paraben, methylparaben, butylparaben and propylparaben: Used in a variety of cosmetics as preservatives. Suspected endocrine disrupters and may interfere with male reproductive functions.
- Parfum: Any mixture of fragrance ingredients used in a variety of cosmetics. Some fragrance ingredients can trigger allergies and asthma. Some linked to cancer and neurotoxicity. Some harmful to fish and other wildlife.
- PEGs (e.g., PEG -60): Used in some cosmetic cream bases. Can be contaminated with 1,4-dioxane, which may cause cancer.
- Petrolatum: Used in some hair products for shine and as a moisture barrier in some lip balms, lip sticks and moisturizers. Can be contaminated with polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, which may cause cancer.
- Siloxanes: Used in a variety of cosmetics to soften, smooth and moisten. Suspected endocrine disrupter and reproductive toxicant (cyclotetrasiloxane). Harmful to fish and other wildlife.
- Sodium laureth sulfate: Used in some foaming cosmetics, such as shampoos, cleansers and bubble bath. Can be contaminated with 1,4-dioxane, which may cause cancer.
- Triclosan: Used in some antibacterial cosmetics, such as toothpastes, cleansers and deodorants. Suspected endocrine disrupter and may contribute to antibiotic resistance in bacteria. Harmful to fish and other wildlife.
Loopholes in Canada's Cosmetics Laws
- Manufacturers are not required to disclose specific fragrance ingredients on the product label. Instead, the generic term parfum is listed, representing a mixture of potentially dozens of chemicals.
- Products regulated as "drugs" on the basis of therapeutic claims (e.g., tartarfighting toothpaste, bacteria-killing cleansers, face cream with sun protection) are only required to list 'active' ingredients, not complete list as required for products regulated as cosmetics.
- Although most ingredients in cosmetics have never been tested for their effects on human health and the environment, Health Canada does not require pre-market testing of chemicals used in cosmetics.
- Under Canada's Cosmetic Regulations, manufacturers are required to disclose the concentration of each ingredient in their product to the Minister of Health, but this information is not made public.
- Chemicals that are prohibited or restricted may still be present in cosmetics as byproducts or impurities
- Manufacturers are not required to disclose specific fragrance chemicals in the list of ingredients
- Products marketed as "fragrance-free" or "unscented" may contain fragrance ingredients, in the form of masking agents that prevent the brain from perceiving odour.
- Read the report, What's Inside? That Counts, and check out our background materials.
Help! I can't access the blog!
I cannot seem to access the BLOG in its entirety!
Can you send me the link, please?
I can only get to 1 at a time - the latest post.
Help me please?And are my comments being posted?
Can't see these either.
Thanks for being a FABULOUS team leader!
A very special learning
I would encourage that person, whom I know is extremely busy with other things, to please share what happened when you told yourself, it's okay for me to "go off the wagon" for a day. It was a party after all, and what could it hurt!
The rest of the group would benefit greatly by hearing your story, so I do hope you will share! This blog is only as useful as its members make it!!
Hoping to see your testimonial soon! : )
Who developed the Race to Maintenance? Why?

Cleanse Day!!
I was just so happy to wake up this morning knowing that today is another cleanse day!!
I hope you too are anticipating the lightness, the cleanness, and the energy that come with cleanse days.
I would love to hear from you about how you are doing with respect to following the Peter Greenlaw outline. Are you following it "to the letter?" Or, are you tweaking it a bit? What results are you seeing?
I have found it easy to follow the schedule, as long as I'm sitting at my desk. It's when I have appointments and running around to do that I seem to fall away from the schedule. I remind myself that it's not so much about following the schedule to the letter as it about making sure I put protein into my mouth every one and half to two hours. I am making sure I have my few nuts and Isagenix Snacks in my bag at all times, in case I get caught up somewhere. And I've been taking my Isagenix shaker bottle with me wherever I go ... filled with filtered water, treated with IsaWater. And I have my wee bottle of sea salt in my purse! I'm good to go!!!
So, day one today of our second two-day cleanse! We CAN do it!!!
Blessings on your day today,
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Blog Comments
Please provide feedback. Please let me know the kind of information you would benefit from.
Thanks in advance. It's hard to know if I'm just talking to myself! ; )
Sue Field's B & B
So, here is the Broth Recipe....enjoy any day, but especially on a cleanse day when you are hunkering for a hot beverage. In my case, assisting Cody to eat her meals while cleansing can be somewhat of a challenge. I am grateful that I now can have a "bowl of soup" that is nutritious and delicious.
NOTE: Vary according to your taste
3 Litres of Water in a large pot
1 large chopped onion
2 sliced carrots
1 cup of daikon or white radish root and tops (ideal, but optional)
1 Cup of winter squash cut into large cubes
1 cup of root vegetables: turnips, parnsnips, rutabagas for sweetness
2 cups of chopped greens: Kale, Parsley, Beet Greens, collard greens, chard, dandelion, cilantro or other greens
2 celery stalks
1/2 cup of seaweed: nori, dulse, wakame, kelp , or kombu
1/2 cup of cabbage
4 1/2 inch slices of fresh ginger
2 cloves of whole garlic (not chopped or crushed) sea salt to taste
If available, ou can add 1 cup of fresh or dried shitake or maitake mushrooms. (these have powerful immune-boosting properties_
Add all the ingredients at once and place ona low boil for approximately 60 minutes or longer (boil to taste)
Cool, strain (THROW OUT THE COOKED VEGETABLES) and stone in a large, tightly sealed glass container in the fridge.
Simply heat gently and drink at least 3 to 4 cups a day
Makes approximately 8 cups
NOTE: feel free to mix, match and vary the vegetables to create your own variation fo the broth
CLEAN the vegetables well and scrub the root vegetables
Fill your tub with HOT!!!
2 cups of Epsom salt
1 cup of baking soda
10 drops of lavendar
SOAK for 20 minutes
Wrap yourself in a towel and go to bed to "sweat" for twenty minuets more and then remove the towels and go to sleep!
Relaxation of your nervous system and lowering of cortisol through the use of lavender oil, which promotes weight loss and lowers inflammation
Enhancement of detoxification through the effects of the magnesium and sulfur in the Epsom salts
Enhanced sleep through the effects of the hot bath and magnesium
Alkalinization of your body through the use of baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) which promotes and ideal PH for healing, detoxification, and optimal cellular function
Increased circulation and increased heart rate, which serves as a form of passive exercise
Lowered blood pressure and blood sugar levels
Increased heart rate variability, a sign of a healthy nervous system and reduced stress
Increased sweating and elimination of toxins
(As taken from The ULTRA Mind Solution, Mark Hyman, M.D.)
Got to thinking I should have done this as a document.......but I didn't and if you care to, please send it back to me and others on the list!
Have a blessed day
Stimulating vagus nerve

Group Call on Thursday
Just a reminder - please join our group call this Thursday evening at 7:30.
If you have conference capability (3-way calling) on your phone, and you want to join the call for the first time, please let me know. Carol Anne would like to join us, but needs to be linked in. She would appreciate your help!
The number is: 1-605-715-4900
The access # is: 658026#
The call will be recorded so those who are unable to "attend" will be able to listen later if they want.
Please remember ... we don't know if we need the call, or the call needs us. Someone else may benefit greatly by something YOU have to share. You may have learned something, or experienced something that will be very helpful for another group member to hear. So, please try to join us!
"See you" then!
Monday, October 18, 2010
Some encouragement please!
I had much running around to do today, and before I knew it, I had a wee headache. Now, why do I have a headache, I wondered. Oops! I have had nearly NO water today! and I've missed two of my four snacks so far today! and I had the worst lunch ever!
I really must get more organized! In the morning I must have my snacks made up and in my bag, and I must have my Isagenix shaker bottle ready to go!!! And I must have my meals planned ahead!
I did find a very small bottle, into which I put a few thousand grains of sea salt. This now has a cozy space in my bag, where, when I DO have water with me, I can find the salt I need before drinking.
An aside: Are you all finding yourselves better able to drink more water without having to run to the bathroom now that you've incorporated the sea salt into your regimen?
Tomorow will be a better day! :o)
Day 3 of Shake Days
Most of us are now on Day 3 of our Shake Days. Yaayyy for us!!!
We continue to stick to the guidelines provided by Peter Greenlaw - (if you joined the group late and did not receive these guidelines, email me at - avoiding the usual temptations as much as possible (coffee, alcohol, desserts, high carb-low nutrition foods), eating every one and half to two hours (this is key!), getting some regular exercise, and having a periodic epsom salts bath.
Our bodies are now revitalizing after last week's cleanse. Did you know that during the first day of your cleanse, your body is focused on removing the impurities from the body? On the second day, the body goes into fat burning (if the body has extra fat it needs to burn). This is why it is so important to do two days of cleansing in a row if there is any weight to be released. When we cleanse for only one day, the body never gets into fat-burning mode.
By now, you will be feeling some pretty specific changes in how you feel, especially if this is your first cleanse.
Some of us might be feeling some changes in our sleeping patterns. Others, changes in our bowel movements. Energy is on the rise. Mental clarity ... well, we may be noticing that we are better able to focus on one thing at a time. I've noticed that my already fast-growing nails are growing even faster!
As this is a forum for sharing our experiences in support of others in the group, I'd love to hear what everyone is experiencing. I encourage you to share ... what you share may be the few words that another of us needs to hear today!
Today, I encourge you to visit and review the recipes there. And, if you have a recipe that really works for you, I encourage you to submit it!
Have a great day! Please contact me with any questions or concerns. We want this cleanse to be the best experience ever!
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Speak to your mountain

Today, I was reminded that it is not enough to pray for our mountains to be moved; it is not enough for us to pray that we lose the weight, get through our cleanse, have better health, have more energy, get a better job, pay off our debts. No, we must speak to our mountain.
Speak to our mountains, you ask? Yes! Jesus spoke to a fig tree, to the winds and the seas, and to sickness! We can speak to the things that overwhelm us, too! In fact, God is waiting for us to stand up in faith and to command, in Jesus' name, that our mountains become mole hills.
"I assure you that you can say to this mountain, 'May God lift you up and throw you into the sea,' and your command will be obeyed. All that's required is that you really believe and do not doubt in your heart." (Mark 11:23)
Faith is what moves God to move on our behalf.
Today, I say, in Jesus' Name, I command the extra weight that I've been carrying around for over 20 years to melt off my body.
What will you say in faith today?
Welcome to new group members!
Also, I know that Maria Fitzgerald has been trying valiantly to join the group, but has had a lot of difficulty. Welcome Maria! I know you have been reading the messages that have been sent to you.
Genevieve Evangelista has also been trying to join the blog without success. Gen was on our first group call last week.
I know Erin Marshall had hoped to join our group, but something may have come up. Please send warm thoughts towards Erin in hope of her joining us.
I have also invited MaryAnne Shaughnessy to join us ... let's send a collective welcome to her as well!
If you know of anyone else who might like to join us, please let me know. - Linda
Changing blog permission - open to public
I have a huge favour to ask ...
I had said that this blog would be open only to our group participants. However, some of us have been unable to access the blog due to technical difficulties.
I believe that it is important for everyone to feel part of the community, so I hope you will agree that it would be best to open this blog to the public. That way, everyone should be able to at least read what is posted.
If you disagree, please let me know. Otherwise, I will assume that all are in agreement and the blog is okay to be in the public realm.
There is nothing really private about what we've been sharing, and the name of the blog is obscure enough that it's unlikely anyone will bother us.
I'm hoping to hear from y'all! - Linda
Saturday, October 16, 2010
This is a journey - not a destination
Well, for most of us, today is our first actual Shake Day, following two Cleanse Days and two Pre-Cleanse Days.
I would love to know how you all have faired so far! Please share. This blog is a means to support one another to successful completion of our goals. When we don't feel supported, we may easily give up!
I have released 4 1/2 pounds and feel better than I've felt in a long time. My sleep is deeper too! And that, my dear ladies, is a beeeyouteafull thing!
One thing I wanted to mention today is that this experience is part of a journey toward better / optimal health .... it is not a destination. It may take time to reach the goals we have set out for ourselves .... maybe even longer than the 41 days we've set aside for this "project."
I have been on my journey for well over 20 years - making changes to my lifestyle as I learned about things that needed to change, and as I was willing and able to make the changes.
Please do not feel that you must make all of your lifestyle changes over night! Concentrate instead on making the best choices you possibly can, whenever you can. We will automatically be headed in the right direction (i.e. towards better health) when we do this.
I look forward to hearing how your two-day cleanse has gone. We are now into our Shake Days - shake, meal, shake (plus snacks and water, of course).
We are doing it!!! - Linda
Friday, October 15, 2010
Check out Links and Pages ....
Here we are ... almost finished our second day of cleansing!!! Whoot whoot!!!
I hope you're doing as well as I am! I'm feeling so good!! Thanks to all of you for your support. I'm quite sure I would have "caved" if it had not been for all of you holding me capable!
I've added a few new resources in the left column of this page, so please take a minute to see what's new there.
Also, there are a few people who have not yet signed into the blog. If you can, encourage the people you know who would like to participate to join! I know they'll be so glad they did!!
Please also take a moment to share how things are going. Today, I'm still feeling really cold, which is really good!, and I had a nice epsom salts bath to draw out even more impurities. I've enjoyed my four IsaDelight chocolates today, and just love the chocolate Snacks with my nuts! Yummmm... Because I've been so cold, I've been drinking warm water, rather than cold. That's helped. I had a bit of a headache, but realized I'd missed my 16 ounces of water. Once I drank the water, my head felt better. Still clearing the bowels ... amazing what's in there, despite not eating solid food for two days!
Let me know if you have any questions! Blessings on you all! - Linda
Day 1 of Cleanse Complete! Now that was easy!!!
- for me, it was like I'd never cleansed before! It's been so long since I've had even an ounce of Cleanse in my body - due to Doctor's orders. It just felt sooooo good! Like getting into the shower after having been camping with no facilities for about a month.
- I found the day very easy to get through by using the schedule. I didn't stick to it right to the minute, but I kept pretty much on track. The KEY POINTS at the bottom of the schedule really helped too. If you haven't read them, I encourage you to.
- I was extremely cold all day, and could not get warm until almost early morning this morning. I am encouraged by that though since this is my body's way of telling me that it was busy working....getting rid of the impurities that have built up over the past few months.
- I had some cramping before bowel movements ... and I remember this from previous cleanses.
- Although I was tempted to eat "a little something" while making dinner for Dennis, I didn't ... because I had accountability to my fellow cleansers! You all helped me yesterday, whether you knew it or not!
- I had the deepest sleep that I've had in a very long time ... so deep in fact, that even now, an hour after getting myself up, I am still feeling that veil of slumber. Yummmmm.....
I'd love to hear from y'all about what you noticed during your first cleanse day.
Here is a picture of my "best friend" while cleansing ... this just makes life so much easier! If you don't have one, you might want to consider ordering one on your next order.
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Group Call 14-October-2010
Here is the information for the recording of our first group call - if you want the MP3 version, just let me know and I'll email it to you:
Conference Date and Time:
October 14, 2010 07:31 PM
Duration of Recording:
34 Minutes, 40 Seconds
Recording Expiration Date:
February 11, 2011 08:19 PM
Playback Dial-in Number:
1-605-715-4903 Midwest
Playback Access Code:
Tonight's call focused on introductions, and our sharing how the first few days have gone.
I think a common thread is that we all feel that this group cleanse will provide the support we need to be successful at achieving our goals. Thank you, ladies, for that!
Linda, you are a gift to us!
Dana's Story, John Gray, Dr Dennis Harper and Dr Paul Anderson
Here's a copy of today's call.
On this call the person who has lost the most weight in the history of Isagenix shares her story. John Gray tells us where the practice of healing the body with whey protein comes from.
Dr. Dennis Harper explains how it is we get cold on cleanse days and why our eliminations become different on cleanse days.
Dr. Paul Anderson has some excellent advice for exercise to release the most weight and Nutritionist Jim Rhoades shares some tips on what to eat and what not to eat to help your cleanse.
Enjoy the call.
Welcome Carol Anne!
Please let's all welcome Carol Anne to the group! We are just so pleased to have you with us!! Welcome!!
I am looking forward to journeying together!
NOTE: Group call time change & a REQUEST!
The number again:
Access code: 658026#
"See you" then!
A Request: I would appreciate knowing who all has access to 3-way calling capability and U.S. long distance on your phone plan. Please advise. This will help me as I plan ways to bring us all together as a group.
Check PAGES and Helpful Resources periodically
I hope you're having a great Day 1 of your 2-day cleanse! Please be sure to let us all know how it is going! - Linda
Measurements taken and shared!

Hello gang!
I have now taken my measurements and shared them. I chose Lia to share mine with. I realize now just how many inches I have gained since June. No wonder I've been feeling so yucky!
I am determined that this will be the best cleanse ever ... now that I am no longer starving myself and sending my body into starvation mode.
Just a NOTE: to post an entry, click on New Post at the top right of this page. Be sure to click Publish Post once you're done!
To comment on someone else's post, just click Comment below the post.
Happy Blogging!!! - Linda
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Cleansing Begins Tomorrow!

Hey gang!
Tomorrow, we begin cleansing in earnest!!
Here's your homework for this evening:
- take your photos: full front, back, side, and a closeup of your face
- take your measurements
Ideally, you will share these with at least one other person - this helps to keep us accountable. Now .... who shall I share mine with?? ; )
Next, purge your cupboards and fridge of everything that will not contribute to your goals.
Now, you will want to sit quietly and meditate on how your Cleanse will END ... yes, end!
Contemplate feeling light, clean, energized, strong, healthy. Positive thinking will help you through your cleanse. If you tell yourself that it will be hard, well, guess what? You'll get exactly what you're anticipating!!! So ... tell yourself that this will be easy!!! And easy it will be!!
You have your list of what to do for your two Cleanse days. Please follow this! There are only a couple of things I will add, which you can either add or not - it's up to you.
1. Begin the day with 1 oz of Ionix. Swish it around in your mouth to activate it.
2. Wait about 10-15 minutes. Then have your Cleanse drink. Ideally, you will drink your Cleanse straight up for better effect. If you don't like it that strong, add it to the water. I much prefer the Cleanse watered down, but for this Cleanse, I am determined to drink it straight up, followed by the water chaser.
3. Remember to put a few grains of sea salt under your tongue before drinking the water. This will help with absorption. Once your body gets used to being rehydrated (we are ALL dehydrated!), you will not be running to the bathroom as much.
4. Incorporate exercise into your day. The UltraMind Solution suggests a 30-minute walk before dinner.
Remember, you may experience cleansing symptoms. Please celebrate these!!! For every symptom you notice, tell yourself, "Yippee!! My body is letting go of the impurities that are making me sick!"
Please check the PAGES section of the blog for a list of cleansing symptoms.
And we're off!!! If you have any questions throughout the day, please text me at 705-977-1684.
Tomorrow night, I expect us all to be on the call sharing how our first cleanse day has gone. We'll share what has gone well, what has not gone so well, and any questions we may have. "See you" then.
We can do it!!!!
PAGES ... please visit
If you have not already done so, please visit the PAGES section on the left where you will see some of the things I've done to rid my environment of some of the chemicals that have been polluting my body.
I would love to hear what YOU have done to purge your environment of things that do not contribute to a healthy lifestyle.
Remember! This is about learning from one another - not just me going on and on about what I have learned.
Hoping to hear from you all. - Linda
Thursday evening group calls

Well, hello again!
You are almost finished your second pre-cleanse day. Most of you are old hands at this. But some of you are brand new!!
I would love to hear from everyone about how their two days have gone. A good way to do this and to support one another on our journey together is the group call.
Every Thursday evening at 7 pm, we will be "meeting" as a group on a conference call.
THE NUMBER TO CALL is: 1-605-715-4900. The access code is: 658026#. NOTE: this is a U.S. number, so you'll need a good long distance phone plan, or you'll need to arrange to be linked in by someone with conferencing capability.
Now, some of you have indicated a choice not to participate. Here's what I want you all to consider:
Have you ever been on a team, or do you know how a team works? What happens if everyone on the team does not participate fully? When it comes time for something a team member really wants to happen, will it happen? Or, will they be left on the bench?
Part of assuring success in any endeavour is the support we surround ourselves with. This is a group cleanse - so I encourage you to participate with the group, if only to let people know your name! There is power in that.
We never know when we need the call, or the call needs us! There may be one thing that you say that makes the difference in another person's success!! So, please come along on Thursday evenings, unless there is absolutely no way you can swing it.
Welcome Kerri! Everyone, I'd like to introduce our newest contributor to this blog - Kerri.
Our little group is growing! : )
My Secret to Success .....
Do you want to know the secret to my success? Success in every part of my life - body, mind, spirit?
Here it is ... are you ready???
No, not the sweaty kind of exercise ... although that certainly contributes to a healthy body.
I'm talking exercising gratitude!
Every day (or almost every day - there are just some days when it doesn't work out), I sit down and write a list of at least 10 things for which I am grateful.
If you have seen or read The Secret, you will know about the power of positive thinking, and of setting intentions.
Where your focus goes your energy goes. Where your energy goes your achievement will go ... either for bad or for good.
So, my challenge to you all is to take a few minutes each day (I do mine first thing in the morning as part of my prayer and meditation time) to think about the things, great and small, for which you are grateful. Then, write them down.
It is amazing how focusing on gratitude will produce more for which I am grateful!!
I have added the link to my gratitude blog in the Helpful Resources section on the left. You are welcome to read my gratitudes (which I share each day with a group of about 15 people, five of whom also share theirs - although not on my blog), and, if you like, to share yours on my blog.
I encourage you to share your gratitudes with at least one other person ... this tends to step up your accountability level. Anyone can do this ... it doesn't have to take the same form as mine (a prayer to God). Whatever suits you and works for you is absolutely perfect!
I believe that exercising gratitude will help all of us as we share this journey to optimal health. - Linda
Congratulations to our newest contributors!
I want to congratulate Tracy, Carol, Lia and Sarah for joining the blog. I encourage the rest of you to also join as soon as possible. I won't be putting all of my messages in both places (email and blog) for much longer ... I would prefer that we blog - I'm into making things as easy as possible! : )
If you have not done so already, accept my invitation to join the blog as a contributor. Then bookmark the page so you can easily visit the blog regularly (daily would be best!).
Have a great second pre-cleanse day! Watch for more info about how to make this journey as successful as possible. And when you have something you'd like to contribute, or you have a question, please post it on the blog. See you there! - Linda
Diet Solution Program may be helpful
Just wanting to let you all know that I found a resource that you may find helpful. It's called The Diet Solution Program. I've included a link to this on the left of this blog under Helpful Resources.
I watched the entire video and everything they talk about fits with what I'll be sharing with you over the course of the next several weeks. This will be a fairly inexpensive way for you to build a reference library that will help keep you on track once you have completed the Race to Maintenance.
I have ordered the books, so if you want to hold off until you see them, that's great. I'm not sure how long the current (cheap) price will be in play.
This blog is for information sharing ... I do hope the rest of you will also share tips and resources you've learned about on your journey to optimum health.
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Reach Out and Touch Someone!
A key part of this journey will be each of us reaching out and supporting one another. So, let's start posting our feelings, our choices, etc. so others can benefit.
Today, I purged my cupboard and my fridge of items that do not contribute to my healthy lifestyle. I threw away a box of Lipton Onion Soup Mix that was way at the back for who knows how long, and a packet of Burrito spice/mix that contains hydrogenated oil. Everything else was pretty much okay. I've attached some photos on the blog. I'd love to see all of yours too!
We can do this!!!! : ))
The Journey Begins Tomorrow!
We begin the cleanse and race to maintenance tomorrow!!! I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving (I certainly did!!) and you're ready to get started on your journey to better health!
Please click on the GoldMail link below to play the message I made for you, or copy and paste it into your browser.
Your speakers must be on.
Tomorrow, you will begin this journey with a Pre-Cleanse (or Shake) Day - shake / meal / shake (check the attached document for details). You will do two (2) Pre-Cleanse (Shake days) days - Tuesday and Wednesday - followed by two (2) Cleanse days - Thursday and Friday (check the attached document for details). Then five (5) Replenish (or Shake) Days - shake / meal / shake (check attached); then two (2) Cleanse days (check attached). This will end the 9-Day Cleanse.
Then, we beging the Race to Maintenance! See attached document.
Watch for another email with the reminder of Thursday's group call, and the telephone number.
Watch also for more messages that will further explain what we are doing over the course of the next 41 days! In the meantime, you may want to print out the attached documents, which outline what we'll be doing. (If you're anything like me, you will enjoy having a list of what to do and when to do it!) Then put the schedule in your day book or on your calendar for easy reference.
Let's go!!!!!!!
Invite Others to Join Us!
If you are not prepared to make the commitment right now, please consider sharing this invitation with others you know. For those of you who have indicated your readiness, the journey begins with my next email. Come on along! Even if you read this message after we've begun, I encourage you to come along! We'll be so glad you did!!
Blessings on you all!