This is my spice cupboard. I use only sea salt, organic when possible, and iodized, too.
This is where I keep most of my processed foods - my jelly cupboard. I try to purchase organic whenever possible. When I can't get organic, I purchase items that have only ingredients that I can pronounce and can visualize - if it is a chemical name, I do not buy it. I watch for the amount of sugar and sodium, corn and corn syrup, soy, hydrogenated oil, trans fat, wheat, dairy, etc. I will not purchase an item if there is ANY trans fat. I have my list of "must not contain," and I will not give in unless it is a very unique circumstance.
This is my fridge - what you see here is pretty typical, although there is more here because of Thanksgiving. You will notice several unmarked containers - these contain foods prepared from scratch/whole ingredients. For example: curried squash soup; refried beans; cooked fonio (a gluten-free grain that cooks up like couscous). I also have unmarked containers that have my organic, raw seeds: pumpkin; flax; sunflower; chia; and nuts (usually walnut, although sometimes almonds). There is also some bread - I buy only organic, non-wheat bread for myself. Dennis will eat organic, multi-grain bread. The rest of what is in my fridge is either Isagenix product or fresh fruit and vegetables (as much organic as is possible).This is the section of the fridge that usually holds condiments. Notice that I still have some, but they are whole-food products and/or organic. My bread crumbs are rice. I use very little dairy, but any dairy is goat. (I like the unripened goat cheese.) Flax oil and apple cider vinegar are great for salads. Maple syrup is a good all natural sweetener.
Here is my main food cupboard: mostly Isagenix and my east Indian spices. You'll note some crackers: Mary's Organics are wheat and gluten free and filled with other nice ingredients such as flax. They are processed, but if I'm going to buy processed food, it will be something like this. My other Isagenix products are stored up in my office (Cleanse, IsaWater, Slim Cakes, Bars, nutritionals, etc.)