1. Headaches: Why? The body is releasing impurities very quickly and going through withdrawal from substances and chemicals, like, for example, caffeine, sugar, nicotine.
Solution: Increase water intake. Be proactive by doing at least a few days pre-cleanse (shake days), as recommended, prior to your cleanse. Be sure to include IONIX Supreme and IsaFlush. Take it easy, and rest. Have a couple slices of organic apple. Avoid taking pain relievers.
2. Cold extremities: Why? The body is in major cleansing mode and body heat will gravitate to internal organs for cleansing and protection.
Solution: Put on extra layers. Have a warm shower or bath. This usually passes after the first two days.
3. Constipation: Why? Impurities are flooding the colon. It can be a little challenging for the colon to keep up. It may get a little blocked up. You may experience bloating, etc.
Solution: Increase water intake. Take 1 or 2 IsaFlush capsules before bedtime.
4. Nausea, dizziness, upset stomach: Why? The body is either alkaline or acidic and is always striving for balance. Often, if the body is acidic, minerals can cause a feeling of nausea in the body. This can be due to drinking caffeinated beverages, like coffee or pop. A higher acidic content in the body has been attributed to alcohol and even red meat.
Solution: Take one of the Isagenix Snacks with a glass of water BEFORE taking the cleansing drink. This lines the stomach wall and helps with the digestion of the minerals. Make sure you are diluting the 4 oz. of cleanse drink in 8 oz. of filtered water. If you are still bothered, mix 2 oz. cleanse drink with 8 oz. of filtered water to dilute it more and have 8 x 2 oz. instead of 4 x 4 oz. cleanse drinks a day. Adding ice to your drink makes it more palatable. You may also choose to fill a drinking bottle with your cleanse and water four time per day and sip on this throughout the day.
5. Niacin Flush: Why? B3 Niacin improves blood circulation by enlarging tiny capillaries which carry nutrients to the cells and remove impurities. It also lowers cholesterol. IONIX and Accelerator capsules both contain Niacin.
Solution: Allow at least 20 minutes between when you take IONIX and Accelerators. Any bumps or shortness of breath would indicate an allergic reaction and would require attention.
6. Weak and light headed: Why? The body is not used to such a decline in the number of calories being consumed. Blood sugar may become unbalanced.
Solution: Take 1-2 Isagenix Snack wafers (chocolate or vanilla) at mid-morning, mid-afternoon and in the evening as needed. You may also consider eating a small serving of organic vegetables, such as cucumber or celery. (Many people have found that it is much easier to get through a cleanse day without eating any food at all, however.)
7. Aching muscles: Why? The body is letting you know that it is ridding itself of impurities.
Solution: Take a warm bath in Epsom salts.
1. Clean out your kitchen cupboards (and the usual stash places) of any edibles that will not contribute to your success.
2. Refrain from taking other nutritional supplements (they could compete with or disrupt the synergy of the system).
3. Stay away from animal protein (meat, eggs, dairy).
4. If athletes, construction workers or lean individuals who don’t want to release fat and/or need extra calories: add nuts or mixed greens, or plain brown organic rice on cleanse days. On shake days, you can add an extra small meal to your diet.
5. Stay away from caffeine, alcohol, sugar, dairy (hard to digest) while cleansing.
6. IsaDelights™ and Snacks can be included on cleanse days.
7. Add 1/3 of “Want More Energy” pouch to the Cleanse or pure water.
8. Ideally, eat absolutely no food other than the Cleanse drink, water, Want More Energy, Snacks, IsaDelights™, Ionix Supreme, and Accelerator. If you feel you absolutely must eat, try…….
9. Organic mixed greens eaten with lemon juice dressing, or ………
10. 1/2 an organic apple, celery sticks, a few raw almonds (no more than 8/day).
11. Always include IONIX Supreme: Start with 1 oz. a day, this really helps support the immune system and enhances the cleanse.
1. Like the program overview states, drink plenty of good water every day, at least 8 x 8 oz. glasses. A good rule of thumb is to drink at least “½ of your body weight” in ounces in water daily. So, as an example if you are 160 lbs., drink 80 oz. of water each day. Proper hydration supports the elimination of harmful impurities and helps your body to function more efficiently. Please note, on cleanse days and on days you are exercising or high heat/humidity drink extra water. Take a bottle of water wherever you go! Be sure to dissolve a few grains of sea salt under your tongue before drinking water.
2. Avoid feeling guilty or negatively about your program for snacking on cleanse days. Eat your Isagenix Snacks according to the regimen supplied to you, along with 8 almonds and up to 4 IsaDelight, I suggest have a Snacks with your Accelerator capsule, if the Accelerator upsets your stomach. The snacks are key in making sure your blood sugar is balanced throughout your cleanse.
If necessary add a few slices of organic apple, or greens. The main thing here is to make progress, and a few extras won’t stop that. The more progress you see, the more you’re motivated to follow the program, which yields even more progress. I actually find that veering away from the regimen (and snacking on vegetables makes me more hungry, and makes success more difficult.
2. For maximum weight loss and cleansing results, on Shake Days, avoid all starchy, high glycemic carbohydrates; eat plenty of vegetables as your main source of carbohydrates. For example, replace white pasta, white rice, white potatoes with whole grain pasta, brown rice and sweet potatoes, better yet replace them with broccoli, tomatoes, asparagus, dark green lettuce and a variety of other dark green or dark red (red cabbage or beets are great).
3. Here are some foods to avoid altogether, if at all possible, throughout your 30-41 day cleanse:
Alcohol - Beer and wine
Caffeinated beverages
Processed foods: canned juices, fruit juices, dried fruit, fruit sugars (also known as fructose)
Bread products
White Rice
Corn chips
Hot cereals or grits
Commercial cold cereals
Cakes, cookies, cupcakes, donuts, including non-carb versions)
Canned soups
Starchy vegetables: corn, okra, lima beans, peas,
Burritos and flour tortillas
Soft drinks
To maximize the stimulation of the fat burning hormone glucagons on non-cleanse (or Shake) days, eat protein first, before eating any carbs. (egg, meat, fish, poultry) Eating protein (IsaLean Shakes) at breakfast and dinner will burn fat instead of storing it. In other words, don’t sabotage your results by eating incorrectly. Ensure that you start your day and end your day with a Shake until you reach your weight loss goal. This ensures that all food in your belly has the benefit of the digestive enzymes.
4. Daily exercise that is suitable for your body type will stimulate digestion, help cleanse the body of toxins and manage your stress.
5. It is recommended that you do some cardiovascular exercise like walking or bike riding for 20 to 30 minutes each day of your cleanse. Avoid heavy physical exertion if possible on your Cleanse for Life days; your goal is to relax and let your system rebuild and repair itself during your cleanse. You may feel a burst of energy on the second day of your cleanse – it is okay to use that energy, but avoid wearing yourself out.
6. Have a warm to hot bath with ½ cup of Epsom salt at night to help cleanse impurities from your body.
7. Get plenty of rest.
8. Challenge your friends to come along with you; a support system always makes cleansing much more fun and more accountable.