Isagenix is My Food - My Food is My Supplement

Friday, November 26, 2010
Survey - Please complete
In order for me to better support others who will go through this journey, please complete my survey. Your honest feedback will be very much appreciated.
Click here to take the survey. It will take only a few moments.
Many thanks!
Today marks end of 41-Day Race to Maintenance
Today marks the end of our 41-day journey together! Can you imagine! Where has the time gone!!
We have journeyed together for 41 days, working toward our goals, supporting one another, and achieving varying degrees of success!
My hope is that you have been inspired to make some changes in your life to support a new, healthier lifestyle. I hope you have received some new information (education) that will support you as you continue on your journey. And I hope that I have been able to encourage you to stay the course. (My mission: to inspire, educate and encourage others to achieve optimal health and abundance.)
The Race to Maintenance does not stop today ... unless, of course, you have achieved all of your goals. If you have arrived at your destination, you will want to adopt a maintenance program - your Race is over.
However, if you still have a ways to go to achieve your goals, I encourage you to continue! The habits you firmly plant in your life today will pay off in time. For some of us, the Race continues.
So, thank you for being on this journey with me. I hope each of you will send me a message that can be posted on the blog - I would love to hear your feedback.
I intend to send a very short survey out, and I do hope you will take a few minutes to answer. Your feedback will help others who join me on the next 41-day Race.
Blessings on all of you! - Linda
Thursday, November 25, 2010
My Gratitude for the Group Call
I just want to say how grateful I am for the honour and privilege of sharing time with some of you on the Thursday evening group call. It is such a blessing to me, and I thank you. - Linda
Salt - What we need to know about it!
Notes by: Peter Greenlaw
We get too much salt in our foods today.
Too much salt will cause high blood pressure, water retention (swelling), kidney problems, heart problems and the list goes on.
We are told a low salt or salt free diet is best for good health.
2000 years ago salt was used as money. Gold and salt had the same value. The word salary comes from salt.
In old times salt was used to preserve foods but now we have refrigeration.
Salt is not required with refrigeration and the freezing of our foods today.
All warm blooded animals must have salt to maintain the fluid balance of the cells in their body.
The human brain and spine is in a sac of salt water called CSF (cerebrospinal fluid). This liquid circulates throughout the brain and spinal cord.
We all spent approx 9 months in our mothers belly in a sac (placenta) of salt water (amniotic fluid).
Our tears are salty and we sweat salt.
Our bones are hollow in the center (marrow) where blood cells are made and the marrow is covered with many strands of calcium salts, the way rope is woven together. Salt crystals are woven in with the calcium and calcium phosphate.
27% of the body’s salt is in the bones. When the body requires more salt it can borrow it from the bones. When this happens, calcium is also removed with the salt making the bones thinner, soft and brittle.
Salt is a compound of sodium and chlorine, put together they are called Sodium chloride (Na Cl ).
Sodium is a soft positive-charged metal where chlorine is a negative charged gas and when put under pressure it becomes a liquid.
All salt on planet earth comes with many trace minerals mixed into the sodium and chlorine.
Chlorine is a gas/liquid but somehow when the earth was formed the chlorine became a solid with the sodium and the trace minerals.
You can crush the salt crystals into a powder and the chlorine stays with the sodium. Chlorine as a solid is called chloride.
Another compound found in nature is potassium chloride. It is used as a salt substitute because it tastes like salt. It also comes mixed with trace minerals.
So we can assume that these trace minerals are very important or they would not be combined with the salt. Because of the commercial value of these minerals we remove them and make big profits.
The human body is able to split the chlorine from the sodium as needed because many of our organs and blood must have the chlorine to function. Our stomach needs the chlorine to make hydrochloric acid that’s vital to good health.
Our body also uses the sodium chloride as salt to keep the brain, spine, tears, bones, sweat glands, organs and blood topped off with salt. The body benefits from the other trace minerals that help keep the body alkaline and healthy.
Just as drinking too much water can put a person at risk of intoxication (hyponatremia) without taking enough salt. The same thing is true with taking too much salt, it can cause swelling, diarrhea, and death.
Purified Salt is 40% sodium and 60% chlorine. Sodium is very abundant on earth and used as a binder with many of our food additives.
Sodium bicarbonate ,sodium aiginate, sodium phosphate, sodium benzoate, sodium citrate, sodium nitrate, sodium nitrite, sodium stearoyl fumerate, sodium propionate and MSG mono sodium glutamate are just to name a few.
Sodium, potassium and chloride are minerals that dissolve in water and carry electrical charges anywhere there is water in the body. These minerals are called electrolytes.
Sodium and potassium are positive charged where chlorine (chloride) is negative chaged. Salt is a compound of sodium (+) and chlorine (-) charged.
These electrically charged minerals can freely move into a cell and back out again carrying nutrients in and removing waste products and excess water as to keep the cell balanced.
At the same time as these electrolytes move in and out of the cells making their exchanges a delicate balance of potassium inside the cell must be maintained with a special amount of sodium and chloride to hold the potassium in the center of the cell.
Electrolytes are found in all fluids of the body and carry impulses along your nerves, help make your muscles contract and relax, like your heart muscle and diaphragm for breathing.
Electrolytes carry glucose (blood sugar) into the cell after insulin opens the door (gate) for the sugar to be taken in.
Electrolytes also turn cation pumps that generate electricity to be stored in the Mg ATP’s and Mg GTP’s batteries of the body.
High blood pressure can occur when there is too much sodium outside of the cells causing an out- of- balance of fluids. When this happens, cells and organs don’t work right and you can get swelling, aches and pains and don’t feel well at all.
Too much sodium can happen from eating too many food additives containing sodium as a binder. Sodium is not salt. Salt is sodium chloride a positive charged sodium and a negative charged chlorine (chloride). They are + and – so they balance each other plus the chloride is 60% and the sodium is 40%.
Scientists and doctors still don’t know how salt dissolves in water or how it can keep getting saltier and saltier. Scientists and chemists have some theories but can’t prove any of them. Salt is only bad for a person when they don’t drink enough plain water.
If a person loses too many of these electrolytes from having diarrhea or from taking a water pill (diuretic) they can become very sick and must go to the hospital and get IVs of saline (salt water) dextrose (sugar water) and minerals containing potassium. If your potassium level drops to low your heart could stop beating.
Many of our beverages today contain caffeine that is a diuretic (water pill) causing a water shortage in the body. Nothing replaces plain water according to Dr Batmanghelidj (Dr B or Dr Batman).
Our blood is 94% water
Our brain is 85% water
Our soft tissue is 75% water
Dr Batman has printed in his book ABC of Asthma, Allergies and Lupus on pages 142-150 what he has discovered about salt in his practice and research.
Dr Batman says water, salt and potassium together regulate the water content of the body. Salt forces some water to stay with the salt outside the cells (osmotic retention of water by salt) and potassium holds water inside the cell.
Basically, there are two oceans of water in the body: one ocean is held inside the cell and the other ocean is held outside the cell. Good health depends on a most delicate balance between these two oceans.
When the body is low on water it will increase the volume of salty water on the outside of the cell and through a special mechanism the cell can filter out the salt and inject some fresh water into the center ocean as needed to maintain a balance.
For this mechanism to function the capillaries (blood vessels) must constrict by the use of Vasopressin. As its name implies, it causes vaso-constriction and higher blood pressure is required to filter and inject the fresh water from the outside ocean into the inside ocean of fresh water and potassium.
One of the causes of high blood pressure is a lack of fresh water for the inside ocean of the cell according to Dr Batman. We call it hypertension.
Group Call this evening
I want to invite you once again to our group call this evening.....7:30 p.m.
The conference call number is 1-605-715-4900 and the PIN is 658026# (this is a U.S. number).
If you don't have a U.S. long distance plan, you will find a way to call for free (thank you Lia!!) listed in the left-hand column.
I look forward to our chat.
In the meantime, have a fabulous day! - Linda
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Coping with the Holidays
I was reminded last evening that there are many people out there who have not yet put a strategy in place to deal with those occasions when we will be tempted to step outside of our new healthy lifestyle.
With the Christmas holidays coming upon us, we really want to have a plan in place.
I have put a link in the Links to Helpful Resources section to the piece posted earlier. I've called the link, "Coping with Holidays." Please share this with everyone on your team, and encourage them to contribute other ideas. Send the ideas to me and I will post them on the blog for future reference. Let's reach out and help others who may struggle with saying "no" to the season's delights.
I encourage you to visit your Back Office for other helpful ideas.
In the meantime, here is a link to another wonderful recipe that is sure to help:
If you like fish, you will want to check this one out.
Friday, November 19, 2010
Great group call!
I am so grateful to Genevieve, Lia and Louisa for joining me on last evening's group call! I am especially grateful to Gen, who guided the content of the discussion.
I feel so honoured and privileged to be part of such a dynamic group of committed women.
Thank you all! - Linda
Friday, November 12, 2010
Vegetarian Meal Balls
Someone asked me the other day for my recipe for vegetarian meat balls ... I thought I'd share it here:
- chopped and sautéed onion (1 large), garlic (to taste) and portabello mushrooms (2 large),
- ground walnuts (about 1 cup),
- ground hemp seed, pumpkin seed, flax seed (about 1 cup combined)
- about 1 cup of cooked quinoa and/or fonio,
- rice bread crumbs (about 1/4 cup or just enough to bind),
- 1 egg scrambled,
- spices (salt, pepper, oregano, basil),
- organic soya sauce (about 1/4 cup)
- water as needed to help binding
Sautée onions, garlic and mushrooms. Add remaining ingredients. Form balls and bake at 350 degrees F until firm.
Alternatively, if you don't want to include egg and you are not gluten intolerant:
- chopped, sautéed onion, garlic and mushrooms
- 4 cups of oatmeal
- 4 cups of water
- 1/4 cup of soya sauce
- ground seeds and nuts
- spices
Sautée the onion, garlic and mushrooms. Then add the other ingredients. Simmer for about 20 minutes to half an hour. Let cool. Form into balls and bake at 350 for about 30 minutes.
These freeze nicely too. I don't really measure anything ... I just throw everything in a bowl and kind of go by feel.
Vegetarian Chili
Yesterday, I made a delicious vegetarian chili and one of my gratitude buddies asked me to share the recipe. Since I wrote it out, I thought I'd post it here. It was sooo good!! Sorry ... I don't measure anything. I do everything to taste.
- two chopped onions,
- 1 chopped shallot,
- 4 chopped garlic cloves,
- a bunch of collards chopped (you can substitute with Swiss chard, spinach, kale or even rapini if you like)
- 1 can of low sodium diced tomatoes
- 1 can of tomato paste,
- 2 cans of low sodium chick (garbanzo) peas,
- two-three cans of water.
- a nice big pinch of sea salt,
- cracked pepper,
- cayenne pepper
- a small handful of dried chili pepper
Sautée the first four ingredients. Then add the other ingredients. Bring to boil and then simmer until you get the consistency you want.
Separately, I cooked up a combination of quinoa and fonio.
I ground about a cup of pumpkin seeds.
Near the end of the simmering process, I add these last two ingredients. Enjoy!
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Tonight's group call Recording
Conference Date and Time:
November 11, 2010 07:28 PM
Duration of Recording:
44 Minutes, 11 Seconds
Recording File Size:
15 MB
Recording Expiration Date:
March 11, 2011 08:28 PM
Computer Download
Recording Download Link*:
Conference Recording
*This is an MP3 digital audio file, which can be played with any digital audio player supporting MP3 playback (e.g. Windows Media Player, iPod, MusicMatch, iTunes, QuickTime, etc.).
Telephone Playback
Playback Dial-in Number:
1-605-715-4903 Midwest
Playback Access Code:
Getting through Cleanse Days with ease
Thank you Gen and Tracy for joining me on tonight's group call! Awesome!!
Tonight we shared ideas for getting through Cleanse Days with ease:
- make meals for the family ahead of time so that you don't have to be around food that will tempt
- make the rest of the family fend for themselves on cleanse days
- suck on Snacks to make them last longer, and to keep blood sugar levels more balanced
- have a contest with others in the family: see who can suck on their Snacks the longest
- portion out the nuts for each snack time so that you don't eat too many at a time
- add a bit of IsaFruits, Isagenix Greens or Want More Energy to your water to change it up a bit
- treat yourself to a warm Cleanse tea rather than having it cold ... make yourself think you're at the spa
- have a lovely 20-minute soak in the tub: epsom salts, baking soda and lavender oil ... now THAT feels like the spa!
- plan something that will keep you busy on Day 2 of your cleanse, such as cleaning the entire house (this is also a good way to use up all of that energy that often comes on Day 2)
- start your cleanse on Wednesday evening before bed: drink your four ounces of Cleanse plus 8-16 ounces of water (with sea salt) before bed ... this way you will be finished your 2-day cleanse a bit earlier and can actually go to bed on Day 2 after having a nice shake - REMEMBER: this is NOT ideal, but for those of us who cave in near the end, this might be the answer. Just remember to drink LOTS and LOTS of water over the two days to flush the impurities out!!
If you have other ideas for getting through Cleanse Days with ease, please share them by clicking on the Comment link below.
Thank you Tracy and Gen for your participation in the call!
Have a great week, and we'll plan to continue our discussion of self-sabotage next Thursday evening.
Posting Comments ....
I checked the settings of this blog and changed a couple of the settings.
If you have been unable to comment on the blog until now, please try again. I believe I've fixed that problem.
Also, all but two of us will receive notification of comments posted to the site. Until now, we've had to go looking for them! The blog will allow only 10 notifications, so one person and myself will not received notification. (Erin, that's you and me!)
I encourage you to share your journey with the rest of the group ... what you have to share may be just what someone else needs to read to get through their day successfully!
In service,
Group Call this evening
I am sure that, by now, you are experiencing many of the wonderful benefits of cleansing! For most of us, today is a cleanse day ... I have a power headache today and was pleased to find Rick Reynolds's EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) video that helped me to lessen the severity of the headache.
Just a quick reminder that we will be "meeting" on our group call this evening at 7:30. The number is 1-605-715-4900 658026#.
Hoping to "see" you all on the call! Please plan to share your victories and gratitudes and any questions you may have. We will be chatting this evening about the things we do to get through a cleanse day successfully. Bring your ideas, or questions about what is permissable.
As we approach the holidays, this type of knowledge and sharing will be key in ensuring our success.
I do hope that some of you who have been unable to attend the call until now will also be able to join us. See you tonight! - Linda
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
What to do over the holidays to avoid over-indulging
I just had to share this Facebook post ... such valuable information .... I hope you find it helpful as we approach the holidays ....
Just so you know who is asking the original question: Dana Barnett is a beautiful young woman who has released over 350 pounds with Isagenix. At 800 pounds, she was sent home from the hospital to die. She is now transforming her own life, and the lives of so many others!
Dlowks N SotoHow do you handle that person that tells you that the holiday(special occasion) only comes once a year so go ahead and EAT! Share with me some ideas...the holidays are coming and I need to be better prepared cuz I am already dreaming of stuffing and pies!
Coral Cartwright You turn your mind around...Instead of thinking, I cant have any of that, say..I can but I choose not to! Not to say a little treat would be frowned upon :o) You will do great Dana ♥
Jeannine Shingler
I say.. Yes! Thanks! and get excited about how you are going to eat a little bits of bites.... and be full because you drank an IsaLean Shake prior to attending the event. Be appreciative of the generosity of others and include them in yo...ur celebration of being in control of the portions! We can still indulge in the fun foods and festivities.. but we don't have to eat big portions! And we are being an example of a healthy lifestyle behavior... shining a light for others. (just my 2 cents) Also it really is okay to simply say thank you but no thanks..... boundaries are healthy.See More
Celeste Contreras-Herrera EVERYDAY only comes once! The holidays are special because of WHAT we celebrate. Food is often a central part of how we celebrate there is no getting around that! Enjoy in moderation is the good 'ol saying.If you are invited to many functions throughout the month limit yourself to one dessert per week.Prepare yourself by getting those two shakes in and on that special meal enjoy a little of what you like...yes even the stuffing. It's not how you handle the other person...and it's more about how you handle you! Love ya!
Karen Eigler I have half a shake about half hour before dinner and then I do enjoy it all however limit the high fat items to a taste or two; much easier to stick to my limits with that half shake prior. Cleanse tea before bed!
Karen Eigler It's Thanksgiving so I would suggest to those people that you are Thankful to be alive and that took a commitment to better choices; no better day to honour those choices than a day that is dedicated to thanksgiving!
Mary Angolano Burrell My friend Lynn Bell goes through the holiday season maintaining her weight by "staying" on the program. 2 shakes a day no matter what with snacks every 2 hours. And her water intake as well. Then she uses a small plate and only taste dishes never full or even partial servings. She says she never feels deprived and she never gains always maintains. That's a win win to me ;)
Gloria Zama Ntuli I eat but am veri choosy lately. Even on parties i dnt jst eat whateva tht is served im so scared of results of eating enithng. My onli prblm is craving i eat even if im full.
Pamm Clark Don't deprive yourself, but have spoonfuls, not platefuls (that's my strategy).
Susan Andrew Ask yourself "what is more important to me": 10 minutes of eating something you know you shouldn't or a lifetime of health?
Kat Maeda
Some people can't do spoonfuls for it triggers a reaction that causes them to keep going. Know yourself before you plunge into the holidays. Hang that cute little dress you want to be in on New Year's Eve OUTSIDE the close and stay true to... your goal. Before you go to a party, have an apple and 12 oz of water. When people try to tempt you, tell them politely, no thank you, I have a goal and plan to be a size __ by New Year's Eve and I sure would love you to love me enough to support me. Take your IsaDelights and have 2 for dessert. YOU CAN DO IT Dana!
Lisa Beaudry Koch Dana - I encourage people to understand that you do not have to over induge all day every day to enjoy the holidays. I started my journey the day before my birthday and the week before Christmas. I ate sensibly most of the time - even enjoyed a fabulous birthday dinner - had a cupcake - and then went on the rest of the week being smart - enjoyed a fabulous dinner Christmas eve, Christmas Day and the day after and still dropped 13 pounds and 18 inches before the New Year.
Cami Bobbitt Me too! I lost 20lbs in December because I didn't over-indulged. I ate very small bites to satify me and incorporated Isagenix of course. I want to lose another 20lbs before Christmas... You can totally do it and We are ALL here to support you and each other! Mwah!
Heading into Day 28 of 41 Days
Did you miss me? : ) I have been laying low, recovering from a cold.
Having a compromised immune system means, for me, pacing myself for as long as it takes to ensure a quick recovery. I have learned the hard way what happens when I get back in the saddle too early ... I relapse, and relapse hard.
I can't imagine where I'd be if I wasn't putting this amazing nutrition in my body each and every day! Well, actually, I can imagine. I remember that, before I really got started with Isagenix, I caught the "common cold" and was flat on my back for 21 days ... yes, that's 21 full days flat on my back in bed. And then I needed about 10 more days to fully recover once I'd gotten out of bed!!! That certainly told me that my body was in a very sad state!!
That has all changed for me now! My most severe symptoms lasted only two full days - I knew enough to stay in bed. Now, I need only modify my activity level ... I am not pushing myself. And I am recovering nicely.
So .... today is day 27 of our 41-day journey together. By now, you will have had several back-to-back cleanse days, and you will be feeling differently from the day you began your cleanse journey.
I appeal to you to share how you are feeling now in comparison to when you began this journey October 12th. This will encourage everyone who is part of this group!
Less than two weeks to go to the end of our 41-day commitment. My hope is that, by now, you will have adopted a new lifestyle that is working well for you, and to which you will commit over the long term. By now, you will know which products work well for you.
You will also have had the opportunity to check our your "Back Office" and will have a sense for which other products you would like to try and maybe even incorporate into your healthy lifestyle. I'd love to hear from you all about which products you are planning to try next.
I confess that the only product I have not tried is the Sun Screen. Being a melanoma conqueror, you can bet that this will be a product that takes a place of prominence in Christmas stockings this year!
By now, you realize just how great you can feel with this nutrition in your body. Christmas is a great time to share! Check out the amazing deals that the company has put together just in time for gift-giving. Buy from your own store - accumulate points that translate into money back in your pocket, if that's what you'd like.
If you aren't sure how to share these products with others, but you really would like to, I'm here to help. Just let me know how I can be of service.
Have a fabulous shake day today! - Linda
Thursday, November 4, 2010
No Group Call this evening
My apologies, but there won't be a call this evening. I am nursing a nasty cold, and I can only speak for a few minutes before coughing my fool head off.
I hope your cleanse day is going well today!
Wishing you well! - Linda
Get an accurate view of where you're at
So, I've borrowed a message (below) from my friend Rick Reynolds, who is also coaching a cleanse group at this time. I hope you enjoy his message ... I know I did. - Linda
Hello Cleansers,
Before I dive into a cleanse I find it helpful to get an accurate view of exactly where I am at. One way is to weigh myself on a scale and I've found that the scale only tells a small part of the cleansing story especially on a nutritional cleanse. Over the next thirty days I'm going to release some fat and extra water but if I do the system right, I won't release any muscle and will likely gain a few pounds of lean muscle mass. That means the scale is not going to show all the changes.
Since the scale won't tell the whole story I always measure myself. For some cleansers the shift in inches will far exceed the shift in pounds and this is so different than dieting. When I've dieted I've lost muscle and bone and water and the scale weight change is more profound as is a decline in my over all health. In this cleanse I'll get healthier by the day and that can mean that there will be days where I actually put on a little weight but continue to drop inches.
For this reason it is important to only weigh and measure myself once a week. I want to make sure I have results that inspire me. A daily scale obsession has in the past left me frustrated and tempted to give up the program when I observe weight gain and if I give up I'll never reach my goals.
To help you keep track of your measurements there's a guide from Isagenix - visit to find the Track Your Progress form.
Since nutritional cleansing is going to change so much more than the size of my body, I like to measure other things besides the inches. What I like to do is take that measuring chart, print it out and flip it over. On the back of that piece of paper I rate certain aspects of my health and my life on a scale of one to ten with one being not so good and ten being great. I then watch the changes as I cleanse. My list includes the quality of my sleep, my comfort in my own body, how I feel when I exercise, my level of joy and peace and happiness, my ability to cope with stress, my relationship health, even my financial health. It is interesting to watch how many things other than my weight also change when I cleanse.
If you're inspired, take time today to take a good look at yourself and your life; figure out exactly where you are at and document it so you can look back on today each week and see some change. If you want, take a picture of yourself. I've come to love my before picture. I was exactly as I needed to be so that I could experience the best possible cleanse and inspire so many others.
See if you can love yourself today exactly as you are. It will make a huge difference in your ability to change what you see now.
Monday, November 1, 2010 anyone out there?
No use posting if no one is reading ...
Hope you are all enjoying this fabulous day!!! - Linda