Isagenix is My Food - My Food is My Supplement

Isagenix is My Food - My Food is My Supplement

Monday, November 1, 2010 anyone out there?

Just wanting to know if anyone is reading the blog ...

No use posting if no one is reading ...

Hope you are all enjoying this fabulous day!!! - Linda


Linda Doran Viscardis said...

A message from Maria:

"Dear Linda.,
I regret that I have been unable to be present these past few days. I was in Bracebridge and Huntsville last week for 2 days and with the meals they served up, I went off program as outlined but did my best. The good news, I went up only 1 lb. but certainly lost some of the momentum.

Owen had a serious accident last Thursday but is now doing well. This disrupted the whole family but we're back in the saddle.

Thanks for all your encouragement and support. You are a Godsend, Linda."

Linda Doran Viscardis said...

A message from Carol Anne:

"Reading it and enjoying it very much. It might not be read by me each and everyday,
but I do some "catching up" every so often, and get lots out of it!! Thanks Linda"

Linda Doran Viscardis said...

A Message from Lia:

"Yes! I am reading it!
Just back from Elim.
Am doing great!
Did not eat 1 dessert all week-end!
Controlled my portions.
Could have drank more.
I am enjoying drinking herbal teas.
Coffee - love the smell, but can't drink it - makes me sick.
I returned spent and exhausted.
But I am continuing and am on track.
Cleansed on Wed + Thurs.
Did well. It wise a wise thing to do.
I think I will con't this pattern.
Fridays are special and I prefer keeping these open.
I did not gain anything this week-end.
Rather I lost.
My pants are fitting loosely. WOW!
And I'm loving life.
My period is over.
That was different.
I hadn't had one in 6 months.
Thanks for your encouragement.
Sorry I did not tell you I couldn't make the call.
Sorry. I has clients at home working on their albums.
Love you!